Moose International Great Britain Association
Group 3 District 7 Basingstoke 152


Where are we?

Welcome to Basingstoke 152

The lodge meet on the first Wednesday at 7pm for 7.30pm. 
Further details from the Secretary. 

Meeting Place:
The Moose Centre
20 Churchill Way East
RG21 7QU

Lodge Officers
President Albert Gawler
Vice President Bill Perrin 
Secretary Huw Nathan
Treasurer Ted Blackmore-Squires
Legion 14 Secretary Huw Nathan

Circle Officers
President Carol Hammond 
Vice President Serena Nathan 
Secretary Pam Mansfield
Treasurer Helen Camper

National Management Committee
Chair Alan Harries
Secretary Mary Dunne
Member Keith Jenkins

National Officers
President Brian Gould
Vice President Philip Evans
Legion Secretary Gareth Griffith
Vocational Guidance Mary Dunne
Welfare Officer Gerald Gardner

If you wish to contact the website editor Click Here © Moose International, The Lighthouse Suite, Manor House Manor Road, Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset TA8 2AS
Email us Today Telephone: +44 (0)1934 842112

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